I arrive to the spot where I've parked many times before. The dock had been removed with the arrival of cold weather and rested on the deserted marina shoreline. A dozen redhead ducks began to paddle away while honkers called out from the far shore. Pheasants and squirrels searched through the grasses on the north side while bald eagles observed from the many tall cottonwoods that envelope the winter fishing hole. This is the spot.

Rainbow trout are released in the marina each spring. For a few weeks, hatchery trout are taken by fishing enthusiast, fish, bird and mink. The few that survive their short time in Oahe marina join the Missouri River ecosystem, and begin to grow. Each winter, they find their way back to the marina, and stay until temps increase again in the spring. Ice will often prevent any fishing during the late winter months, so early on is my chance to get a shot at these rainbows who have gotten fat off of Missouri River smelt, shad, crayfish, and aquatic insects. They are big!
Spring ice out is when most fly anglers will seek out these nomadic bows. Catch rates will be higher, and temps more tolerable. Winter is for the extreme. For those who are content with the possibility of not catching a fish. Or...for the dedicated anglers who are able to brave the conditions long enough to land a monster bow. As I stood in the frigid water a bald eagle glided slowly overhead. It's difficult to stay focused when so much is going on around you. I lackadaisically presented my kreelex to the depths as a vehicle approached. They parked on the opposite shoreline and began to ready their equipment... they were fly anglers. They had a pop-up camper, so I assumed they were visitors who were obviously aware of the opportunity that existed here. The two began to cast, large nymphs if I had to guess. It wasn't long after they arrived that I hooked into a nice rainbow. The fight was intense and powerful. Her first run took every bit of stripped line before she crashed to the surface in an attempt to throw the embedded kreelex. Shaped like an american football and all the colors of a wild rainbow. The aggressive take, fight, and release all made managing the cold a treat.
Not long after the two visitors arrived (20 minutes or so) they decided to depart. They had taken a break a bit before, so the cold was apparently taking its toll. A bit later a pickup had arrived. A man wandered down to waters edge with a spinning reel, made a half dozen casts or so, and called it a day. I had been fishing for about 2 hours, landed one and lost two others (which sometimes happens). This prompted me to consider the necessary adjustments for winter fishing in the marina.
Yes, proper gear is essential. The most significant upgrade a winter fishing enthusiast can make, in my opinion, is to switch to a neoprene style glove. My love for Glacier Gloves is no secret. They make a difference for me and allow me to spend much more time on the water than I would be able to otherwise. Outside of the other obvious essentials, the biggest need for winter fishing enthusiasts pursuing rainbows in the marina is to dedicate the time. There have been days when I will catch a fish on the first cast. There have also been days when I've spent an hour on the water before feeling the tug of a hungry rainbow. Either way, I dedicate at least an hour each time I make the trip, and am prepared for the winter conditions that exist. Do that, and you too may catch fish like this on you next outing. They're in there!
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