Sunday, December 14, 2014

TOP LIP Productions

I've been daydreaming of catching carp lately.  It was almost 60 degrees yesterday and I almost drove out to Lake X to see if I could hammer one in December.  Fortunately, I stuck around the house and played with the girls.  I have a lot of fishing footage from this year, so it's finally time that I sit down and showcase some of it.  Threw this together last night.  Enjoy.

Top Lip from Buddy Seiner on Vimeo.


  1. Hey Buddy, I just recently stumbled upon your blog. I am brand new to Pierre via the Black Hills. I have guided for Dakota Angler over the past 4 years and will be looking to get out once the weather warms. I've fished the river just a few times for bass and carp but have high hopes for big pike after ice out and smallies in lake Sharpe. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to get together for some time on the water or don't mind sharing your knowledge of the area. In the mean time, I'll keep enjoying your blog and doing my homework on what the big river has to offer.

  2. Hey Cody. Thanks for checking out the blog and welcome to Pierre. There is a small contingent of fly fishers here in central SD, so we're always ready to welcome fellow fly guys and gals to the area. I'll shoot you an email with my contact information. Let's make it a point to get out on the water this spring.
