I've been daydreaming of catching carp lately. It was almost 60 degrees yesterday and I almost drove out to Lake X to see if I could hammer one in December. Fortunately, I stuck around the house and played with the girls. I have a lot of fishing footage from this year, so it's finally time that I sit down and showcase some of it. Threw this together last night. Enjoy.
Top Lip from Buddy Seiner on Vimeo.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Shivering Observations
I arrive to the spot where I've parked many times before. The dock had been removed with the arrival of cold weather and rested on the deserted marina shoreline. A dozen redhead ducks began to paddle away while honkers called out from the far shore. Pheasants and squirrels searched through the grasses on the north side while bald eagles observed from the many tall cottonwoods that envelope the winter fishing hole. This is the spot.

Rainbow trout are released in the marina each spring. For a few weeks, hatchery trout are taken by fishing enthusiast, fish, bird and mink. The few that survive their short time in Oahe marina join the Missouri River ecosystem, and begin to grow. Each winter, they find their way back to the marina, and stay until temps increase again in the spring. Ice will often prevent any fishing during the late winter months, so early on is my chance to get a shot at these rainbows who have gotten fat off of Missouri River smelt, shad, crayfish, and aquatic insects. They are big!
Spring ice out is when most fly anglers will seek out these nomadic bows. Catch rates will be higher, and temps more tolerable. Winter is for the extreme. For those who are content with the possibility of not catching a fish. Or...for the dedicated anglers who are able to brave the conditions long enough to land a monster bow. As I stood in the frigid water a bald eagle glided slowly overhead. It's difficult to stay focused when so much is going on around you. I lackadaisically presented my kreelex to the depths as a vehicle approached. They parked on the opposite shoreline and began to ready their equipment... they were fly anglers. They had a pop-up camper, so I assumed they were visitors who were obviously aware of the opportunity that existed here. The two began to cast, large nymphs if I had to guess. It wasn't long after they arrived that I hooked into a nice rainbow. The fight was intense and powerful. Her first run took every bit of stripped line before she crashed to the surface in an attempt to throw the embedded kreelex. Shaped like an american football and all the colors of a wild rainbow. The aggressive take, fight, and release all made managing the cold a treat.
Not long after the two visitors arrived (20 minutes or so) they decided to depart. They had taken a break a bit before, so the cold was apparently taking its toll. A bit later a pickup had arrived. A man wandered down to waters edge with a spinning reel, made a half dozen casts or so, and called it a day. I had been fishing for about 2 hours, landed one and lost two others (which sometimes happens). This prompted me to consider the necessary adjustments for winter fishing in the marina.
Yes, proper gear is essential. The most significant upgrade a winter fishing enthusiast can make, in my opinion, is to switch to a neoprene style glove. My love for Glacier Gloves is no secret. They make a difference for me and allow me to spend much more time on the water than I would be able to otherwise. Outside of the other obvious essentials, the biggest need for winter fishing enthusiasts pursuing rainbows in the marina is to dedicate the time. There have been days when I will catch a fish on the first cast. There have also been days when I've spent an hour on the water before feeling the tug of a hungry rainbow. Either way, I dedicate at least an hour each time I make the trip, and am prepared for the winter conditions that exist. Do that, and you too may catch fish like this on you next outing. They're in there!
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Fly Fishing in South Dakota: Where to begin
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Oahe Smallie |
When I look at the fly fishing game today, it's no wonder it took me so long to finally invest my time and energy into learning the sport. Rods, reels, lines, leaders, tippet, tools, flies, snobbery...the list goes on and on. The thing that I was most afraid of as a child was not being accepted in the "fly fishing community". My perception was this elite group of people who knew they were better than you and weren't afraid to admit it. The reality: couldn't be more opposite. Are there pompous assholes out on the water? Yup. But they are few and far between. Most fly fisherman that I rub elbows with are down-to-earth, conservation minded nature lovers who just want to get better at catching fish. At the end of the day, fly fishing required confidence. You must understand that all situations are different, and there is always someone better out on the water. If you are willing and able to learn from every situation, and open minded to other fishing techniques/ideals, you will have an easier time putting yourself out on the water for others to witness. Trust me, you'll love it when people start asking you for advice. First, you need to start fishing.
After I finally got over my ego, I had no idea what gear to use or how to use it.
Gear you'll need to get started: Your first and last stop to acquire the goods should be Dakota Angler & Outfitter in Rapid City. They will have everything you need, and will even point you in the direction of some hungry trout. The first time I fished within Rapid City city limits, Dave Gamitt drew me a map and put me on a lot of browns. Don't worry, they won't scoff at you for being new to the sport. They will welcome you with open arms! Here is the gear you should ask for. If you don't want to do it in person, order it online.
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Walleye bends the Echo 8 wt (Glory-a) |
#1 - Redington Crosswater/Path/Topo: Redington combos will give you the versatility to fish trout in Rapid Creek and Carp in your local honey hole. Get the 8 wt faster action rod to chuck and duck with 12" hang-time musky flies.
- Dakota Angler makes it even easier by putting a complete Redington combo together including the Crosswater, Redington waders and wading boots for $350. A great deal!
#2 - Cabelas Prestige or Three Forks Combos: I have prestige combo and it's caught more fish for me int he hills that I could ever imagine. Great rod and reel for the price.
#3 - Echo Solo and Ion combo. Ask the fly shop about this combo. It's under $200 and will give you a great starter set.
Fly Line: A good fly line will make a big difference in your fishing experience. I began with an old fly line and struggled to cast and catch fish. Once I cleaned it and eventually got a new line, casting became much easier. Don't fall for gimmicks, species specific line options. It's my belief that they do that to sell more lines with very little variation. To begin, get a WF (weight forward) floating line that matches the weight of your rod. You may need to get a heavier line for faster action rods. Some lines, like the Rio Grand, are designed for fast action rods and come a bit heavier than normal floating lines. Stick with Rio, Scientific Anglers, or Cortland lines to reduce headaches when starting out. Casting doesn't have to be perfect to catch fish, but it will make for a much easier time learning with quality line.
Leaders and tippets: As a beginner, don't get caught up in leaders and tippets. For trout get some Rio or Scientific Anglers tapered leaders in sizes 4x, 5x, and 6x. The larger the number with tippet and leaders (like with hooks, the smaller the line diameter. For all other fish, I tie on 20 lb mono to my fly line and attach a 8-12 ft piece of fluorocarbon by blood knot. Simple, easy, and very effective.
Knots to know: The only knots I use to attache my fly to tippet/line are the improved clinch knot (I tie mine with 4 twists) and non-slip loop knot. I use blood or double surgeons knots to attach two lines and a simple double overhand loop knot to connect my homemade leaders to my fly line. The perfection loop knot is fun to tie, but not as strong.
Waders and Wading boots: This is a tough one, because I will rarely use waders if it's not really cold outside. I would recommend getting a bargain set of waders online or ask the fly shop if they have any used items for sale. I started with an $89 set of waders that I still use today. To me, they aren't that important. Others will say otherwise. It's up for you to decide. Boots are a different story. A good boot can make a big difference in your wading experience. You won't find a great boot for under $100 (unless it is on sale), so don't be afraid to go with Simms, Redington, Korkers, or Chota on your first set and make sure they're not felt bottomed. That is not allowed in SD.
Flies: The flies you'll be using will depend greatly on the species you are pursuing. So many people automatically connect fly fishing to trout and vise versa. I'm trying to break that automatic connection. Below are my top ten flies and the species they'll catch. You can catch all of these fish with the WF floating line that comes on the starting combo.
- Clouser Minnow/Kreelex: Pretty much anything that swims will eat this fly. Always have some sparsely tied in your box. My favorite colors are chartreuse/white, and blue/white/red. For the kreelex, chartreuse/silver, gold/silver
- San Juan Worm: Pink and Red, Orange and red, or solid red. Invert the hook with dumbbell eyes for carp and cats (red).
- Hot Spot Pheasant Tail: A bright orange hot spot in place of the peacock herl of a PT has worked wonders for me. Pink also works well.
- Hare's Ear: Amazing all year round.
- Wooly Bugger: Touted as the most versatile fly ever tied. It's also one of the easiest to tie if you're into that. Will catch anything that swims.
- Murdich Minnow: This is in my box because of where I live. If you don't have easy access to bass and northerns it might not be in yours. If you hope to pursue bass and northerns, it needs to be.
- Adams: I'm not a big dry fly fisherman, but an adams imitates a number of South Dakota's adult mayflies very well.
- Soft Hackels: A versatile fly that works well all year round for various species.
- Elk Hair Caddis: There are few things as fun as skating a caddis across Spearfish Creek. The takes are frequent and exciting. A great fly from late spring to fall.
- Midges (all stages of life cycle): I'm cheating a bit here by calling this one pattern, but they are vital for catching trout throughout the year. Midges are actively hatching throughout the year, so they are always an option for hungry trout. Larva, pupae, stuck in the shuck and dry patters should all hold a place in your box. My favorites include zebra midge, skinny nelson, palomino midges, smoke jumpers and griffiths gnats.
Bass (smallmouth, largemouth, white)
Northern Pike
San Juan Worm
Pheasant Tail
Hare’s Ear
Wooly Bugger
Murdich Minnow
Soft Hackels (of any kind)
Articulated Streamers
Midge life cycle
Where to go: Any body of water that holds fish. You'll learn the catching part as you go. If you come to Pierre, let me know.
This is a lot of information, but don't let it deter you from getting started. Once you get the basics, and are able to get out on the water, things will begin to fall into place. Hire one of the guys over at Dakota Angler to expedite the learning process. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so get out there and make some casts!
Monday, November 10, 2014
Mom! I caught an Eagle!
Here is a cool video of a fisherman with a close encounter with a bald eagle. I've had terns make an attempt at times, and northers under the surface, but never anything like this! Enjoy...
Sunday, November 2, 2014
It's time for a Trout Stamp
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Minnesota Trout and Salmon Stamp - 1982 |
In 1977, Wisconsin offered outdoor enthusiasts an opportunity to financially support the development and restoration of sustainable trout habitat through the purchase of a trout stamp. In 1982, Minnesota followed suit with a similar program that is still in operation today. In fact, 24 out of the 50 states have an available stamp for residents and nonresidents to purchase (in many states it's mandatory) that will support trout stocking and habitat efforts. Those states and the costs of their respective stamps are listed below. The resident price is first followed by the nonresident price for each.
Alaska (King Salmon Stamp) - $10
Arkansas - $5/$12
Colorado (Habitat Stamp) - $10
Delaware - $4.20/$6.20
Georgia - $5/$20
Illinois - $6.50
Indiana - $11
Iowa - $12.50/$15
Kansas - $12.50
Kentucky - $10
Maryland - $5/$10
Minnesota - $10
Missouri - $7
Montana (conservation license) - $10
Nevada - $10
New Jersey - $10.50/$20
North Carolina - $13
Pennsylvania - $9.70
Rhode Island - $5.50
Tennessee - $18
Texas (Freshwater Stamp) - $5
Virginia (also lifetime stamp option based on age) - $23
West Virginia - $10/$16
Wisconsin - $10
First of all, congrats to all of these states for taking measures to ensure funding exists for essential habitat projects. I've had many conversations about stream restoration, habitat development and conservation education projects, and the number one reason for few of them making progress is lack of funding. Many of the states above are solely using their funds for sustaining a fishable population of trout in an area where they would otherwise not exist. That's not necessary in South Dakota.
I'm not going to be a homer and pretend our trout fishery is the best in the country, because it's not. Do we have a sustainable trout population? Yes we do. Do we have opportunities to catch trophy trout? Oh ya! Do we stock specific waterways to ensure catch rates continue to be high? We do that too. We have a little bit of everything in South Dakota, but why not make everything better? We have boots on the ground and great people passionate about making a difference. If we only had the money (and a prioritized list of projects that would strengthen our fisheries system and create an overall better ecosystem for fish and fishing enthusiast). Let's start with a trout stamp.
Through July of this year, GFP had reported selling 115,375 resident and nonresident fishing licenses. That doesn't even include the 43,176 adult and senior combination licenses sold. So I'll punch 160,000 into the calculator to make it easy. In order for this to gain any traction, a mandatory stamp must be offered to license holders who indicate an intention to pursue trout during the license validation period. For them, a $5 stamp (or $10) will be required to fish. Without researching the proper data, I'll guess 25% will pursue, or plan to pursue, trout with their license. That would be 40,000 outdoor enthusiasts chipping in an extra $5 ($200,000 for you playing at home) each year for habitat conservation, restoration and stocking programs. It's not a lot, but it's a start. And these are funds that would not have made an impact otherwise. So, SDGFP, South Dakota Legislative officials, fishing enthusiasts; what say you? Can we get this done for South Dakota? I believe we can.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Why not Gary Creek?
Late September offered a rare chance to visit Deuel County in northeast South Dakota. This county is home to Gary Creek, said to be the only home to naturally reproducing trout in eastern South Dakota. While I've been to Gary, SD many times, I've only ever fished Lake Elsie, located in town next to Buffalo Ridge Resort. This is stocked annually and holds some decent rainbows. This year, I was determined to explore more of the creek to see if, in fact, it holds fish.
Gary Creek winds its way through Deuel County farmland until eventually reaching a portion of town designated as Game Production Area by South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks. This allows access to hunters and fishers alike. I walked through prairie grasses along a fence line my decent into the densely populated forest was immanent. Like at an art gallery, I stopped to take in the beauty of this particular area before following the rough trail down to the clear creek below. That sound is intoxicating. The trickles and gurgles of the creek as it winds through thick brush and trees. This place has potential.

While Gary Creek has many of the components necessary for a sustainable trout population, I can see why they no longer call this place home. But why not Gary Creek? Habitat restoration efforts are going on all over the country to create and improve sustainable populations of while trout. Gary Creek could be one of those projects. A lot needs to be done, and that means dollars will need to be spent. We have a difficult time finding funds for projects on our already productive streams of the Black Hills let along a current dead zone in eastern South Dakota. Partnerships between GFP, South Dakota Trout Unlimited membership and the Black Hills Flyfishers will be required to move forward with actually work getting done. Funds could come from fishing enthusiasts around South Dakota with the opportunity for them to purchase a trout stamp. However we raise money, the time is now to start on projects that will make South Dakota a better place. Let's get something done South Dakota! Why not start with Gary Creek?
Friday, October 10, 2014
Why I Fish...This might take a while.
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A carp bolting back onto the flat. It never gets old. |
I bet the most commonly asked question of fishing enthusiasts by friends and family who are rarely seen holding a rod and reel is, "So...Why do you fish anyway?"
I never really have a good "elevator" reply for why I fish. Mainly because there are a variety of reasons that seem to change each time out. I know I'm guilty of mentally asking the same question of others who enjoy a pasttime that's not my cup of tea. It may be difficult for them to express just how much they enjoy a particular activity, and it may not. It really doesn't matter. If something makes us happy, and is not immoral, I'd say it doesn't require explanation.
I, on the other hand, would like more people to pursue fly fishing. I believe that more fly fishing enthusiasts in the world mean more people working hard to protect our wildlife and fisheries. For that reason, I need an elevator pitch. I need a quick statement that let's people know why I fish in hopes that they will be intrigued enough to inquire further into the prospect of trying for themselves. Maybe by the end of this I'll have something thought out. Until then, here is a list of my top ten reasons I love to fly fish.
9 - The moment when you hook into a big fish: I was standing in the cold Rapid Creek water approaching a deep hole. New to fly fishing, this was trial under fire. A seam holding two big fish and my constituents giving me the first shot at landing one while they watch from shore. Finding a sturdy hold in the creek, I begin casting to the top of the hole. Time and time again my fly drifted through with nothing to show for it. It seemed like I stood casting to those trout for an eternity. As a noob, I felt the seconds turn into minutes and began worrying about the guys on shore. Are they checking their clocks? Do they want to start casting? But my comfort level was still well enough to keep on. These were the biggest trout I had ever presented a fly to, and I wanted to know what it felt like to land one. With each drift I would watch as the trout lazily swayed from left to right munching the entire time. Until, one seemed to open it's mouth wider than it had before. My indicator twitched only slightly when I set the hook. "A snag," I thought, while I lifted the rod. It felt like a cinderblock on the other end of my 5x tippet. And then the head shakes began, and the fight was on. My heart and mind started into race, almost against each other. One trying to determine how to land this fish among the fast water below, water hazards and slippery rocks, the other just trying to give me enough blood to stay conscious. The brown didn't fit in my net, but I got it to hand. I was mocked the rest of the day for having a "barbie" net. I'll never forget the hookset. Like a cinderblock.

7 - Fishing in the rain: The pitter-patter of raindrops on my hood creates music to my ears. The droplets falling from the bill of my hat make me feel sheltered and warm in my fishing cacoon. The smell makes me feel like a kid. And the fish...boy do they bite in the rain. I don't know if I've ever had a bad day fishing in the rain. And not many other people like to do it, so someone has to catch fish on rainy days!
6 - Anticipation, daydreaming, and possibility: I don't only tie flies in the winter like many folks. Often on weekends and lazy weekday evenings, you'll find me at the tying bench, or table, or nightstand, or whatever will hold my vise, dreaming up new patterns and the fish that will eat them. On the water, like most people with fish on the brain, I always believe that next cast is going to produce a fish. One last cast usually turns into 10 or 20. One of the great things about fishing is that you never really know what will fall for your presentation until it happens. You never know which spot is going to hold that fish you've dreamed up while tying. I still get giddy and excited before a fishing trip, even the short ones around home. I guess I'll probably still enjoy it until that feeling goes away, maybe even after.
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Vote for this photo on TU's facebook page Nov 3-11 I could win a fly rod!! |
4 - Skillz pay the billz: As often as I try to find solitude while fishing, I am happy to share a fishing hole or location when fellow fishing enthusiast are present. More often than not, I will also end up sharing my strategy for catching fish with them. I am usually very fortunate on the water, which has a lot to do with the lucky flies that I tie, and people take notice. "what are you using?" they'll ask after I release a few fish. I'll take a second to explain the fly and give them a look at the pattern I'm using before they're almost guaranteed to reply, "I've got a fly rod at home somewhere, I should get that thing out". Plain and simple, I can catch fish with a fly rod when others won't. I've landed fish after fish in locations surrounded by bait and artificial lures alike without seeing another fish brought to hand. I have confidence in this tactic and take a lot of luck out of the equation. With the fly, I'm presenting to all of the fish's senses vs. a select few. They can't help but eat it.
3 - It's very challenging: Now that I've explained how well fly fishing works, I'll get to the caveat. Fly fishing gets easier with education. I've been humbled many a day fishing for various species in various locations. Even today I find myself in situations, chasing fish that I'm not prepared to pursue. Fly fishing requires constant improvement and improvisation to stay one step ahead of your quarry. This applies at the fly tying desk as much as it does on the water. Preparation and education are key to being a "good" fly fisher. I love getting smarter every day.
2 - Evolution: Our family fishing tournaments remain as some of my most cherished and vivid
memories from childhood. It was here where I began to evolve and adapt as a fisherman. It all started with salmon eggs. What a great way to catch trout as a kid. I wittnessed the largest rainbow I'd ever seen caught when I was around 11 or 12. Hanging out of its mouth was a red and white daredevil. I never used live bait after that. Soon I discovered gift shop flys and their propensity to attract rainbows behind a clear bobber. I would draw crowds because I was catching so many fish. Everyone wanted to know how I was doing it, and I had no idea why it worked. I sure put the acting hat on though. Could have given me one of those meaningless awards they give to celebrities for pretending to be other people. My uncle gave me my first fly rod and introduced me to fly fishing cinema. Trout Bum diaries was the first video I watched. I was hooked forever. I enjoy reminiscing about my progression through the phases of fishing. I only wish that I had been introduced to fly fishing at a younger age.
1 - Spending time with good friends and family: While solitude is more my game nowadays, I still find great value in fishing with those that I enjoy spending time with. My dad and brother always entertain me, while the tuesday tyers continue to surprise me with their talents. My girls have continued to show interest and have caught some fish all on their own. I hope they both stick with it. My favorite fishing partner, however, is Lucy. She's the best dog around and even loves fishing more than me. She told me so.
If you don't fly fish now, I hope you will consider trying it. If my reasons don't persuade you, maybe you can think of a few others that would make it sound more appealing. If you love to fish, I'd like to hear why. See if we have some common ground. Now go fishing. You deserve it!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Tactics for fall carp
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Fall Cyprinus Carpio |
The beautiful fall weather had arrived, but "hot" days (upper 70's, low 80's) were still sporadically placed through late September. I would stand slapping the water for hours while carp crashed the surface all around me. The frustration streamed through my veins like whitewater, but I persisted. Eventually, compatible flies and tactics would come together like a Chuck Woolery inspired game show. What seems to always hold true, in my experience carp fishing, is that there are rarely "sure thing" tactics for South Dakota bones. A fly that one fish eats may not work on the next dozen or so that it is presented to. Of course, fishing conditions and presentation are also factors in this equation, but the dynamic exists and differs from any other fish in the water. So when you can find a fly pattern, presentation tactic and fishing condition pattern that works more often than not for carp, you've gotta share it with the fishing world!
Carp fishing is usually done using weighted flies dragging them along the bottom. A viable technique all throughout the year, until fall. Use that strategy and you might have some difficult days on the water. Fish are more aggressive this time of year, gorging themselves before the weather changes. You'll see a number of jumping fish along with fish that join together like a big fishy raft. Both the rafts and the jumping carp offer great conditions for a fisherman. Here are two tactics to try on your next fall carp outing.

Crashing Carp: I don't really understand anything about what these fish are doing this time of year. Summer and Fall crashers, are aggressive, agitated, and ready to chase a fly. When they really start crashing (especially on windy days) a short and quick, erratic retrieve has worked best for me. The takes are fierce and sudden. I like to use larger beadhead softhackles in black or orange. The buggier, the better.
Don't put away your favorite carp rod too quickly in the fall. The fish are still ready and willing if you are.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Taking photos with video - save time, save fish
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I only need one (1) second to get a photo of a fish out of water. |
Most "average Joe" fisherman like myself, just want some cool shots for memories or videos that might be put together for friends and family. Trying to take a snapshot of yourself after catching a fish can be a difficult task. I know some great fishermen who have a developed systems that allows them to get great photos (most of the time) while keeping the fish healthy for release. I'm not one of those guys, which is why I use video to take all of my fish photos.
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Not professional, but still a nice shot of a beautiful browny |
Again, I get that you aren't going to take professional photos with this method. I understand that there may be the occasional water spot on the lens that will show up on your image. What's so bad about that? I say it adds a bit of authenticity to an always perfect, photoshopped, filtered world of photos. Yes, I often wish I had the resources and time to reach a level of photography that others would find desirable. I have a great deal of admiration for what wildlife photographers can do with a camera and enjoy their work often. Maybe someday I'll join their ranks. Until that time, I'm proud to say I can release a fish in under 10 seconds and still have a great photo to show for it. I'm also content preserving the memories of great adventures and fish encounters one video at a time.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
I say two rods are better than one...What say you?
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Two options in one hand |

Our first morning on the water provided me with a chance to share my "tip of the day" with the gang. Most guys in our group were fishing deep holes and pockets with nymph rigs, a great setup for finding some nice fish. When comparing notes after a morning session on the water, we found a variance in catch rates for everyone involved. Some fisherman had not caught a fish, while others had only caught a few. I, on the other hand, had landed 15-20, and lost many more. Granted, we were fishing different sections of water, with different set-ups, so that was a likely factor. Above all, however, I contribute my success to the two rod system, and using it throughout the morning to find fish with a different focus.
One of my favorite tricks when fly fishing (regardless of location or situation) is to always prepare two rods for use during my excursions. This has paid dividends on the Bighorn River, central SD stock dams, the mighty Mo, northeast SD lakes, and Black Hills streams and reservoirs. Typically, I'll have a few patterns on the brain that are just begging to catch fish. Other times, mother nature will have already told me what to prepare for. This particular time of year, great hatches, terrestrials in the trees/bushes, and beautiful weather have fish pigging out in the black hills.
I always come prepared with a deep diving nymph rig setup along with a dry fly/beetle/hopper combo of some kind. The last few years, my beetles have caught more fish than anything, and this year was no exemption. Having two rods allows me to diversify my presentation options to fit the time of day, weather conditions, temperature, hatch and varying water situation without having to make drastic changes in my rig setup. When fishing rapid creek, I could easily move from hole to hole offering multiple presentation to willing trout that lie in wait. At each spot I was able to find 3 or 4 looking up for beetles and hoppers, while also finding those sitting a bit deeper to take the hot spot tung teaser combo. The system worked to perfection and as long as I was able to remember my rod each time I moved upstream. Yes, adjustments had to be made here and there, but they were not drastic, and took very little time. It may not be for everyone, but I would recommend trying it on your next adventure. It may save you some time, and help you catch more fish. Just don't leave a rod behind if you do! (yes, I've done it...)
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Each fish is like a fingerprint. Amazing beauty in these wild browns. |
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Inaugural "Destination Visitation" Edition
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The secret spot we so longingly refer to as "Lake X". A gem to cross off my bucket list, and a new favorite spot. |
How many people do you know with a bucket list? How many of those folks have actually completed any of the items on that list?
It seems to me that bucket lists are for procrastinators. I believe it is great to dream, and have aspirations for something bigger and better, but there is a point where you have to keep these dreams realistic and timely. Bucket list items seem to frequently be activities or locations that will not even be considered until retirement. If I'm going to have a goal to get to a place, I need to put a time frame on it or it'll never get done. And if that doesn't get done, I'll likely sit around dreaming about the places I've always wanted to fish rather than being on the water.
I've decided that 2014 and 2015 will act as a pilot run for this annual initiative. I'll begin by selecting five locations that have epic possibilities for a particular species who have never seen one of my flies. I'll keep it in South Dakota for this first year, then we'll consider branching out. These five trips will be scheduled early and updated often. By the end of the year, I'll have five new experiences in my hat and likely some great fishing stories to tell around the campfire. If there is room for an additional destination or two, they'll get thrown into the mix as well. As one item is completed, another will replace it. While I'm fairly aware of great fishing opportunities around our state, by no means do I have an all inclusive list of possibilities. Please comment if you have a fishing hole that just needs to be tried with the fly. Here is my current list:
East River Trout - Gary Creek, Gary, SD: Sept 27-28
Gary creek is home to the only naturally reproducing trout in eastern South Dakota. While I've caught a number of fish in the newly revitalized Lake Elsie, these were stocker bows. My goal will be to find the brown trout that call this creek home and bring one of these beauties to hand.
Fall Salmon Run - Whitlock Bay, Gettysburg, SD: Oct. 10-11
Each fall, the Chinook salmon of Lake Oahe migrate to Whitlock bay to spawn. This process brings thousands of salmon back to the bay allowing SDGFP to collect 250,000 - 1 Million eggs. Anglers flock like hungry seagulls to cast for the hard-fighting giants. I've never fished this with Glory-a, but will do so in 2014. With salmon numbers suffering, my expectations are low. Possibilities for an epic adventure, however, are certainly great.
Westbend Smallies - Westbend Recreation Area, Lake Sharp: Oct. 18-20 or May 2015
I'm ashamed to admit that I've never taken the time to pursue smallmouth at westbend with my fly rod. Not only are 18+ inch smallies a very good possibility, the sheer numbers of fish in this popular fishing hole make the most seasoned of veteran fisherman salivate. Most go for walleyes, few chase the smallies. I will join that elite group this fall or next spring. Pheasant hunting may be part of the October adventure.
Oahe Northern Pike - Lake Oahe - 2015 Ice Out (April)
I've said it for two years in a row, "I'm fishing lake Oahe at ice out." Each year has brought on a set of circumstances and eventual excuses as to why no attempts were made at 15 - 20 lb northerns. The main reason was my pursuit of big rainbows just below Oahe. It's time to break out of my comfort zone next spring and pursue the hungry monsters of the deep lake. Now if I can only get my boat working properly...
20+ lb Common Carp - Lake Poinsett: June 2015
I've had an amazing time fishing for carp so far in 2014. A friend shared a secret location with me, and I've found some new spots to add to the list. Lake Poinsett is one of those NE SD lakes that holds mass quantities of big fish. Northerns, smallies, white bass, walleyes, crappies and perch can all be found with relative ease. There is one species, however, that grows big, and is rarely targeted...the common carp. This will be a priority of mine in 2015 if not sooner.
This is my list. As soon as I have the experience, and write about it, I will replace it with a new adventure. Future adventures on the waiting list include: Jim River cats, Rapid City racetrack pond carp, evening mousing on Rapid Creek, Smallies and Carp on the Cheyenne River below Angostura, Summertime cats on the Belle, Shadehill Reservoir northerns, Mobridge/Pollock Spring walleyes. As you can see, I need some more options for epic adventures. Let me know what fishing hole deserves to hold a spot as a "destination visitation" location.
East River Trout - Gary Creek, Gary, SD: Sept 27-28
Gary creek is home to the only naturally reproducing trout in eastern South Dakota. While I've caught a number of fish in the newly revitalized Lake Elsie, these were stocker bows. My goal will be to find the brown trout that call this creek home and bring one of these beauties to hand.
Fall Salmon Run - Whitlock Bay, Gettysburg, SD: Oct. 10-11
Each fall, the Chinook salmon of Lake Oahe migrate to Whitlock bay to spawn. This process brings thousands of salmon back to the bay allowing SDGFP to collect 250,000 - 1 Million eggs. Anglers flock like hungry seagulls to cast for the hard-fighting giants. I've never fished this with Glory-a, but will do so in 2014. With salmon numbers suffering, my expectations are low. Possibilities for an epic adventure, however, are certainly great.
Westbend Smallies - Westbend Recreation Area, Lake Sharp: Oct. 18-20 or May 2015
I'm ashamed to admit that I've never taken the time to pursue smallmouth at westbend with my fly rod. Not only are 18+ inch smallies a very good possibility, the sheer numbers of fish in this popular fishing hole make the most seasoned of veteran fisherman salivate. Most go for walleyes, few chase the smallies. I will join that elite group this fall or next spring. Pheasant hunting may be part of the October adventure.
Oahe Northern Pike - Lake Oahe - 2015 Ice Out (April)
I've said it for two years in a row, "I'm fishing lake Oahe at ice out." Each year has brought on a set of circumstances and eventual excuses as to why no attempts were made at 15 - 20 lb northerns. The main reason was my pursuit of big rainbows just below Oahe. It's time to break out of my comfort zone next spring and pursue the hungry monsters of the deep lake. Now if I can only get my boat working properly...
20+ lb Common Carp - Lake Poinsett: June 2015
I've had an amazing time fishing for carp so far in 2014. A friend shared a secret location with me, and I've found some new spots to add to the list. Lake Poinsett is one of those NE SD lakes that holds mass quantities of big fish. Northerns, smallies, white bass, walleyes, crappies and perch can all be found with relative ease. There is one species, however, that grows big, and is rarely targeted...the common carp. This will be a priority of mine in 2015 if not sooner.
This is my list. As soon as I have the experience, and write about it, I will replace it with a new adventure. Future adventures on the waiting list include: Jim River cats, Rapid City racetrack pond carp, evening mousing on Rapid Creek, Smallies and Carp on the Cheyenne River below Angostura, Summertime cats on the Belle, Shadehill Reservoir northerns, Mobridge/Pollock Spring walleyes. As you can see, I need some more options for epic adventures. Let me know what fishing hole deserves to hold a spot as a "destination visitation" location.
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