Wednesday, February 29, 2012

5 Reasons I'll travel for F3T

I mentioned in a previous post that I'm pumped about the upcoming fly fishing film tour.

5 - Networking -  Living in Pierre, S.D. doesn't offer many opportunities to network with other anglers that prefer a presentation by way of the fly.  As a second year member of the Tuesday Tyers, I'm proud to have joined such great group of fly-fishing enthusiasts, and have already learned so much from our weekly tying sessions.  As I become more immersed in the sport that has taken so many before me, never to release them of its sturdy grasp, I find myself wanting (dare I say NEEDING) more.  The urge to visit far away lands in search of species I've only read about or witnessed at the F3T.  The desire to learn from those who have experienced so much more than I might in my lifetime.  This will only occur by meeting those who make it happen, those who are willing and able to drop everything and go when the time is right.  Only then will I grow as a fisherman.

4 - Amazing Films -  I was very impressed with the quality of films presented at last years film tour.  I sat, wide-eyed, with a hand in my popcorn and a permanent smile stuck on my face.  When a redfish the size of a schoolbus approached the presented fly, the hair on the back of my neck stood at attention.  This is what dreams are made of, and what makes it so fun to watch!

Here's a taste...

"The Kodiak Project" trailer - by LDR Media | Fly Fishing Movie from The Fly Fishing Film Tour on Vimeo.

3 - Fisherman Development -  I'm a strong believer that doing what successful people do will help you become successful.  This applies to any sport and to life in general.  Watching the men and women in the F3T videos practicing an art they have perfected over the years provides you with a very indirect and colloquial fly fishing lesson, so to speak.  Tricks, techniques and strategies used to land monster fish in far off venues.  If you want to be the best, learn from the best.

2 - Great Prizes -  This very informal event is not only great for all of the reason mention above, but they give free stuff to all participants.  Rich and poor fisherman alike can appreciate the acquisition of free, high quality, fishing gear.  Products that will make us all better fisherman while keeping our drive to excel ever-present.

1 - A Guy Can Dream, Can't I? - The familiar tingle of anticipation runs down your spine when watching these videos.  You can't help but think..."That should be me."  That's what makes fishing so fun for me.  Each fishing trip is an opportunity to catch "the big one".  A chance to do something that few if any other anglers have done.  Just as there is new hope and new possibilities with each fishing trip, with each cast,  watching the films of the F3T opens your mind to opportunities you may have never thought possible.

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