Saturday, August 2, 2014

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty...

"Wiskers" - Photo courtesy of Jason Burt Studios

I have a new favorite species to pursue with the fly.  At least until I make another trip to Lake X1-27/b.  Admittedly, my Carp infatuation did not last very long.  Don't get me wrong, I still love chasing the fumanchu sporting badass of the mudflat.  But there is a new fish species with facial wiskers that I'm beginning to love even more.  The channel cat...

Channel cats have really been on lately.  Clousers, buggers, san juan'ish style patterns have all been catching fish.  These fish are voracious!  They have been devouring flies on site with reckless abandon.   They have no regard or respect for the condition of our flies, or for the strength of my right arm after the fight.  These fish are STRONG!  So strong, in fact, that I'd be willing to bet that a five pound channel will outfight a five pound common 9 times out of 10.  Did I already mention that they are hungry?  When they are feeding, look out!  Fish on consecutive casts is not atypically when you get into some hungry kitties.  Carp can sometimes take patience, stealth, cunning, strategy and skill.  When you're on your game, you can catch a mess of carp.  But your presentation has to be REALLY GOOD!  Kitties don't care about presentation.  King cats just want to eat.  Bad cast?  No problem for the cats.  Fly swimming sideways?  eh...cats will eat it.  If you haven't already, add catfish to your flyfishing bucket list for the year.  You, too, might have a new favorite prey.

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